Q&A with Jan Kristiansen, CCO and Co-Founder of Globus AI. Part Two
In this interview series we asked the founders of Globus AI some tough questions. And here is what they had to say.
What is your vision of the company?
As the head of commercial, to fulfil our mission, I believe that Globus AI must grow our customer and user base. And I want to help every employee on the Globus AI solution to achieve their full career potential.
What do you value the most about the Globus team?
Most of all, I value the diversity of the Globus AI team. It’s so inspiring to see people from different cultures and backgrounds unite under a common purpose. Who share the same values, to use tech for good, make a difference, and improve quality of life. Everyone is excited about this and motivated by it, which is amazing to see.
What is Globus’ promise to its customers and its people?
Our goal is to always do our best to give our employees and customers the best possible experience working together with us and to maintain our values of being curious, innovative, honest, and always looking to improve. We will always remain true to our vision, it’s central to all of our decision-making. Even when we are prospecting or engaging with new business.
What is Scandinavian AI to you?
This means that the technology we develop is something more than the components, it’s a blend of the tech, our vision, and human ‘soft’ skills. This means it has a heart and that we can build a sustainable product that is meaningful to society.
What is your view on the current crisis and what do you think has irreversibly changed in the healthcare sector?
I think a clear positive that has come from the crisis is seeing how people are willing to help each other, to protect the vulnerable by letting go of their privileges to ensure everyone is safe. It’s inspiring to see how people, despite the negatives, are trying to make the best out of this situation and care for one another.
It’ll have a huge impact on our lives for years after the crisis has passed. There’ll be a much higher awareness of hygiene and the risk of contamination. This will carry through into the healthcare sector too. There’s a new mindset, lessons learned from this time. I don’t think healthcare organizations will be as unprepared in the future; leaders understand the need for greater workforce agility and resilience. There’s more awareness of the need to upscale for emergencies and how to use tools and processes to manage a similar situation if it does occur.